Poor Man's Wife is a fantastic new company formed by six lovely young women. These lovely ladies create some of the most gorgeous veils and hairpieces I have ever seen! Read on to learn a little more about them and their product.
Can you introduce yourselves please?
We are Poor Man's Wife, six lovely lady BYU students! Brooke, Meaghan, Deysi, Corin, Ellen, and Adrianne.
How would you describe your style?
We have more of a laid-back style. We aren't too glitzy, but our pieces speak for themselves with sophisticated style and class. We're a twinge of vintage, a little casual, and a whole lot of beautiful.
Where did you come up with the name Poor Man's Wife?
Ellen thought of the name almost instantly. It's perfect and witty!
How did all of this get started? We want the scoop!
It actually started in an Entrepreneurship class at BYU! We were randomly put in the same group, and after much thought, we decided to take a new spin on Ellen's [existing] business. We have had a lot of fun applying the principles we've learned in our class, and from the start we have all been very motivated to do our best! This is a fun job!
Who does your design work?
Ellen Switzer is the main designer. She owns a company called Fleur and Feather. She created the designs we use when she first started F and F, and we adopted them and kind of merged the two companies.
What inspires you?
Three of us are married and three of us are not. This enables us consider and take to heart any thoughts or concerns we might have for our products and potential clients. We are inspired by beauty, by creativity, and by the lovely ladies we are able to help.
What's in the future for Poor Man's Wife?
The future is bright, but we don't have any plans set in stone yet. Some of us will be graduating, moving away, or sticking around BYU, so it's hard to say what will happen exactly.
Tell us more about your gorgeous product.
These hair accessories are totally custom and each flower is handmade. We pride ourselves on catering to the bride. We want her to look her very best on her special day, and we will create whatever she wants to make her day the best it can be. All of our hair accessories are made from high quality materials and are great for any occasions. Our veils are perfect for brides of course, but we've also made bridal headbands and single bridal blooms for more relaxed hairstyles. Headbands and bloom or rosette clips are also perfect for bridesmaids, flower girls, friends, and your send-off outfit. One of the best things about giving these to bridesmaids or friends (or using a bridal headband or clip) is that they can be worn for the special occasion and then worn again for casual wear. I wear mine every day!
Anything else we ought to know?
Right now we're running a special! With every purchase of a veil, we will throw in a beautiful headband for the honeymoon! That's a $24 value! We're also offering 3 clips for $25 or 5 clips for $40 (you get one for free)! Our veils are only $75, our headbands are $24, and our clips (rosette or bloom) are $10.
Here are a few more fabulous shots of the veils by their fantastic photographer Anne Pearson. Enjoy!
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